
How to Color Flower Mandalas?

There are many people who are attracted by the possibility of painting drawings, which can be of very different types, some of them focused on relaxation, as is the case with mandalas. Painting mandalas is a highly recommended technique since it offers relaxation as well as entertainment.

Knowing how to draw mandalas or simply the fact of painting them helps when it comes to combating anxiety and stress. For this reason, they have become the hobby of a large number of people. In any case, whether it is the first time you are going to paint one or if you have already done it on other occasions, we are going to explain how to color flower mandalas in the correct way.

By following our instructions, you will be able to enjoy the experience to the fullest and benefit from all its advantages.

With what to paint mandalas

A frequent question for all those who start painting mandalas is knowing what to color them with. The options you can use for this are the following:

Mandala markers

To achieve good results, it is essential that you opt for the acquisition of markers that are of good quality and have good ink. This is very important if you want the result of your flower mandalas to be perfect.

To use them you can use a quick technique, coloring whole parts with the same color so that it has a uniform appearance before it dries and there are no marks. In the same way you can use the technique of scratching in one direction, if you want it to be displayed in this way.

If you want to review the black lines of the mandalas, it is advisable that you have black markers of various thicknesses. In this way you can play with depth and make the visual effect much more beautiful.

Mandala coloring pencils

Colored pencils are the best known and most versatile, since different techniques such as acrylics, oils, and much more can be imitated thanks to them. Its great advantage over other options is that it is an economical and very clean option.

These can be found both oil-based and wax-based or water colorable. In fact, the most recommended for this type of work are colored watercolor pencils.

With them you can obtain many different shades of color, since you can use it dry, like a normal pencil, or moisten it with a little water, which will allow you to achieve a perfect result.

Watercolors for coloring mandalas

A third option to be able to enjoy while coloring flower mandalas is to resort to the use of watercolors. This is a very easy technique to use, although it is advisable that you have prior knowledge to be able to use and apply them properly.

It is a technique that is based on water, so you must use a heavy weight paper for the mandalas, otherwise there could be a bad result.


You also have the possibility of choosing some waxes, which offer great plasticity and that you can use several different techniques to be able to apply them on your mandala.

Now that you know the different types of paints that you can use, it is time for you to opt for those that are most attractive and/or easy to use. In fact, it is preferable to bet on pencils at first and then evolve the rest as you get more practice.

Instructions for coloring flower mandalas

Coloring mandalas of flowers or other objects helps us maintain inner concentration, allowing you to focus on the essential and important things. For this reason, it is recommended as a technique to be able to abstract from what is happening around you and that is not being positive.

Before starting to indicate all the instructions that you must follow to do it correctly, you must have that this activity must always be totally free. Also, you should not start a new mandala without finishing the previous one and you should only color it in very bright places or with good sunlight.

That said, to know how to color flower mandalas you must follow these steps:

  1. First of all, you should look for a quiet and isolated place. This way you can better access your thoughts and feelings. The most advisable thing is that once you locate a place for it, you always do it in the same place. This way you will be able to give it a more intimate and special character. If you consider it appropriate, you can accompany the atmosphere of the place with music, obviously relaxing and that can contribute to improving your mood. Be careful with the volume, since it must be used in the background, without being able to distract you.
  2. Once you have chosen the preferred place for it, you must choose the mandala. There are countless options and choosing one or the other will depend on your preferences, but those with flowers are the most suitable for adults. It is enough that you download from the Internet any of the thousands of mandalas available.
  3. Once downloaded you can start working on it, starting by coloring the big shapes. Also, if you want to relieve fatigue or stress, it is recommended that you opt for the smaller forms at that time; and if you want to lift your spirits, choose the circular shapes.
  4. In this way, little by little, you will complete the mandala at the same time that you feel better and entertain yourself.

What do you need to color flower mandalas?

  • Colored pencils
  • Peaceful place

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