How to Decorate the Christmas Tree with Recycled Materials?

To celebrate the spirit of Christmas, it is customary to place a tree, a now we are going to go one step further to explain how to decorate the Christmas tree with recycled materials.

In a few days when decorating the Christmas tree is essential to soak up the Christmas atmosphere, crafts allow us to achieve an ideal decoration for the Christmas tree, using recycled and low cost materials.

Steps to decorate the Christmas tree with recycled materials

The base of a Christmas tree can be made of different materials, being able to opt for wood from a pallet, which are very cheap or that we can even get for free. This element is fashionable and helps us to have a solid base to place our tree, the pallet being a main element to act as a tree.

The balls or the decoration of this tree can be made manually, using painted natural elements, such as tree cones. This element always looks good and will give your home a natural and special look. With little effort we can achieve an excellent result.

Christmas tree with pallet and balls of recycled sweaters

This first option to know how to decorate the Christmas tree with recycled materials will cost you about 10 euros and offers a spectacular finish, in addition to the fact that the process of doing it will entertain you. This way you will get a low-cost Christmas tree, you need the following materials: pallet, saw, sandpaper, glitter, wool, old sweaters, paint (optional), black stockings, and glue gun.

For its decoration, you will only have to follow the following steps:

  1. For this option it will be necessary to find or get hold of a pallet and a saw, in order to give the pallet, the shape of a tree. To do this, a triangle will be drawn that will be cut with the saw, sanding the edges so that the resulting shape is that of a Christmas tree.
  2. You can leave this pallet tree in a wood color, which is a very original way, or you can paint it, something that will depend on your personal tastes or the design of your house. Painting it white or green can be a good option, although many opt for leaving it with the natural color of the wood.
  3. Once the above is done, it will be time to continue with the low cost decoration. To do this, fore span balls will be used, which will be lined with old sweaters. A strip of wool or black stockings will be added above them, which will make it possible for them to be hung.
  4. If you wish, you can add glitter and other decorative elements to the tree according to your tastes. In this way you can open your mind and get an ideal Christmas element.

tree branches tree with natural pinecones

If you want a very cheap option to have your own Christmas tree, you can take a trip to the countryside and create a very original tree for only 0 euros. A few branches and string to hang the tree, plus a few extra decorating supplies, will suffice. Specifically, you will need these materials: tree branches, pineapples, glitter, wool or thick thread or rope, paint and glue gun.

The steps to create this original option are as follows:

  1. Go on a short field trip to find the necessary materials for your creation, such as tree branches. At this time, it is recommended that you get branches of different sizes to get the most original Christmas tree. Also take the opportunity to get pineapples that serve as decoration, which are also perfect for centerpieces.
  2. Next, the branches will have to be placed so that the smallest one is on top and the triangle becomes wider and wider. In this way we will get the base of a natural Christmas tree. In this step we can join the trunks by tying them with wool or with a rope.
  3. With the prepared base we are going to make the decoration, using the pineapples to achieve an ideal finish.
  4. As final steps we will start by painting the pinecones with the help of paint, and if it is spray paint it is much easier, since it is faster and will allow us to achieve a perfect tree for Christmas.
  5. To conclude, a small hanger will be made for the pineapples with a bit of wool that will be glued with the glue gun.

In this way, we have two alternatives to be able to create an original and customizable Christmas tree in our house, and all this while investing very little money in its creation. It is an ideal decoration for those looking for alternatives to conventional trees and at a low cost. Essential element for this time of year.

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