How to Write Rap Songs?

For many, rap is much more than music, it is poetry. This is not just a saying, since it takes elements and resources, as well as different styles of rhetoric and poetry. Thanks to the set of all these elements, more than interesting creations can be made. However, knowing how to rap and how to rhyme is not an easy task.

For this reason, if you like this genre and are determined to fully enter it, we are going to explain what you need to know to be able to write rap songs. In this way you will be able to know everything you need regarding verses, lyrics and the different resources, elements and tricks that you can apply in your creations.

The main ways of writing rap

There are several ways to write rap, keeping in mind that each of them has a classification and characteristics:


An anaphora consists of repeating one or more words that are placed at the beginning of sentences but the meanings and rhymes vary. The intention is to repeat a phrase and try to develop it differently, a phrase that will be repeated at the beginning of each line.

Anaphora is frequently used to create choruses. Many times they are used twice, making one in charge of the repetition of said anaphora, while the other voice is in charge of rapping the verses.


An epiphora is the opposite of the previous one, that is, the anaphora. It is based on repeating one or several words at the end of the lines of a stanza.


Parallelism is similar to anaphora but with variation. It is a rhetorical figure that is based on the similar structure for the different parts of the same text.

This, in turn, can be of different types:

  • Synonymic: Repeats approximately the same content.
  • Synthetic: When new content is developed
  • Antithetic: When it comes to opposite contents.


In this sense, the repetition of the same word within a phrase or verse is sought consecutively.


Alliteration consists of the repetition of two or more equal or similar sounds in two or more words consecutively.

Instructions for writing rap songs

Next we are going to give you the steps that you must follow if you want to compose a rap song:

  1. To start writing the lyrics you should try to free-associate the words while listening to the beat, or rap freestyle. Try to be creative and initially do it without paper or pen. Once you are ready, it is time to make a list with each concept. It is advisable that you take with you a notebook in which to write down possible ideas that occur to you at any time.
  2. When writing a rap song, it is advisable that you start by writing the hook (or chorus). This should be unique and capable of attracting people, plus it will directly influence the rest of the elements of the song.
  3. Within your brainstorm of ideas that can inspire you, you should try to choose words that inspire you. You should try to achieve interesting rhymes, being aware of your strengths and weaknesses. A key in this sense is that of not wanting to say something and forcing with abstract concepts in your lyrics.
  4. In addition to writing the lyrics, it is recommended that you start choosing the rhythms. For this you must choose one that is already made. In most compositions, the melody is performed before the lyrics and this is very common in rap. In this way, you will create the lyrics based on the rhythm.
  5. You can go to a producer who offers a beat you like, and you can even do it yourself. To do this you can resort to programs with which to extract the rhythm of a song.
  6. Thanks to this you will be able to find the melody in the rhythm, starting to record a track of yourself singing over it, even if it is not really the song, but it will help you to know the rhythm in depth and become familiar with it.
  7. Having both ideas for the lyrics and rhythms for the instrumental, it’s time to put everything together and start structuring the song. To do this you must organize the rhyme in verses of 16 bars each. In this sense, the most common structure is as follows:
    • enter
    • Verse
    • Chorus
    • Verse
    • Chorus
    • Verse
    • Interlude
    • Chorus
    • Other (conclusion).
  8. With the composition done, you will have to start practicing your song by rapping, trying to eliminate possible mistakes and improve the written verses. In this aspect it is important that you know that you should only use the words necessary to say something relevant. Also, don’t be afraid to add a pause or two, as they can even be positive to drive home a point in the song.
  9. Then you will only have to memorize your finished song and finally contact a product to make the recordings, or produce the song on your own.

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