More people than you think are interested in learning to play instruments, a way to unleash the talent that many of us have inside us and that, on many occasions, we are even unaware of. Music is key in the lives of many people and one of the best ways to enjoy it to the fullest is by immersing yourself in the world.
If you are one of those people who is attracted to the musical world, we are going to explain how to learn to play the violin, something that does not always require having to go to an academy, although it will always be recommended.
Although it may seem complicated, learning to play an instrument in a self-taught way is not impossible; and this also applies in the case of the violin. However, you will need to learn to hold the bow, place your hands well, as well as read sheet music or tablature, among other aspects.
There are many reasons to know how to learn to play the violin in a self-taught way, since even if you do not have the help of a professional directly, you can take advantage of your free time for it, without being subject to schedules; and much cheaper.
Methods to learn to play the violin in a self-taught way
There are different methods to start learning to play the violin. We talk about the different situations and circumstances in which you can find yourself:
Learn to play the violin when you are already a musician
If you are already a person with knowledge and skills in the world of music; and you already know how to play other instruments, you should keep in mind that it will not be easier for it.
Although you have knowledge in the musical subject, especially in theory; and that your ear is already used to analyzing some sounds, you will have to learn to adopt a correct posture, master the technique or have greater finger dexterity.
Learn to play the violin online
If you want to know how to learn to play the violin in a self-taught way, you can also use online tutorials. Through platforms like YouTube you can find channels that will explain how to take your first steps with this instrument.
In some cases, there is even content in the form of games that will allow you to learn while having fun while you start playing your violin.
Learn to play the violin with tablature
The tablature method may be one of the best ways to learn to play the violin. These are used as a replacement for sheet music, having four lines in which the four strings of the violin are represented.
On them are some numbers that serve to indicate the level of the neck at which the violinist must place his fingers. Although those designed for violin are somewhat more complex than those for guitar, it is a good way to learn this instrument.
Learn to play the violin with the smartphone
Technology is advancing in every way and this has meant that today it is possible to receive training in practically any field in a comfortable and precise way through the smartphone.
On your mobile device you can download applications to learn to play the volleyball, such as Melodic, one of the most recommended for learning music theory; or the so-called Violin, which is used directly to learn to play the violin.
Learn to play the violin with books
If you prefer to put technology aside, you can learn to play the violin in a more traditional way, with manuals and textbooks. Through them you will be able to find many methods to learn to dominate this instrument, being able to learn to know how to place the fingers; hold the bow; memorization works; sheet music reading; and so on.
Tips to progress in your violin learning
Next we are going to give you a series of tips so that you know how to learn to play the violin. Before you start learning this instrument, it is important that you keep these tips in mind:
- The most important thing is that you practice as much as you can. Although you would like to learn very quickly, it is key that you really take your time to learn; and that you use as much time as possible to start mastering the instrument.
- Set some goals. The objectives will help you when it comes to defining your stages and being able to stay motivated. It is a technique used by many of the applications that exist for mobile devices, thus allowing users to maintain their desire to continue playing. The challenges, in which there are real and achievable objectives according to your level, will help you when it comes to learning.
- Be patient. The violin is a famous instrument because it is difficult to learn. This will surely make you encounter difficulties when mastering it; and for this reason it will be essential that you maintain patience and be constant in order to overcome it and achieve your goal of learning to play the instrument.
- Create a program according to your needs. It is key to organize learning, being a perfect way to know where to go. The key is to seek progress in each of the steps you take.