How to Find a Song?

Music is one of the great hobbies and passions of many people around the planet, an essential element for many both when working and when doing sports or any other activity, as well as, logically, for dancing and enjoying.

Surely if you are one of them you have found yourself on more than one occasion with a situation in which you have heard an interesting song in a bar, a store, on television or the radio, among others, but you do not know what it is but that you would like to know to download it or simply to listen to it. Not being able to find the song you are looking for can be very frustrating, but so that it is no longer a problem for you, we are going to teach you how to find a song through different methods.

Years ago, the only way we could find a song was to try to record it as it was playing and then ask other people if they knew it. However, thanks to the internet, everything changed and we have different options to find out what song it is in a very fast and simple way. We bring you the different methods you can use.

Instructions to find a song

Next we are going to show you how to find a song through different methods, so that you can listen to the music you want and locate it more easily than you think.

Find a song thanks to Google

When you have heard a song somewhere like a movie or television series, thanks to Google you will be able to locate it many times, even if you can’t remember any part of it. It will be as simple as searching in the search engine by the title of the movie or series, by the soundtrack, the episode, etc.

In the event that you manage to remember part of the song, in the event that it has a vowel, it will be much easier for you, since it will be enough for you to place some words that you remember accompanied by “lyrics” or “song” and you will see how different results appear, being able to quickly locate the option you are looking for.

Find a song with YouTube

Another of the ways that you have at your disposal if you want to know how to find a song is thanks to YouTube. You will only have to write a fragment of the song in your search engine and see the search results.

If you know the name of the artist, you can just search for it and then investigate until you find the desired song. If you know that it is a recent song, you can resort to the use of YouTube filters to personalize the search results and save time.

How to find a song with the voice search?

Thanks to browsers like Google or Bing you can make use of their voice search systems. In this way, you will only have to activate the microphone of your PC (or do it from the mobile app) to say a phrase of the song and make the search engine show you the search results.

An alternative is that you place the mobile device near the TV speaker when the song is playing and this way you could immediately find the song you are looking for.

How to find a song with Google Assistant?

Very much in line with the previous one is the use of Google’s virtual assistant, that is, Google Assistant. When a song is playing, you can activate voice recognition and bring your mobile closer to where it is playing after saying “Ok Google” on your Android device, and asking “What song is playing?”. This way, the wizard will take care of the search.

Use the Shazam app

Shazam is an application that works by recognizing the songs that are playing. This tool is very effective to be able to recognize a song when it is playing. You will only have to activate the app when you are listening to that song that interests you and the results will immediately appear on the screen.

From the results themselves you will be able to play the song to check if it is really what you are looking for or not, being a simple option to find music.

Use Sound hound

Sound hound is a service that will allow you to find a song by humming. To do this you only need to sing a fragment of the song you want and you will be able to locate both the group or singer and its title.

It is one of the most complete tools found on the internet and used to find music, since it also allows you to locate the lyrics of the song, listen to it online, share it with other people through social networks, etc.

You just have to click on the orange button that appears on the screen and hum.

Use Midomi

MIdomi is a music search engine that, thanks to a small recording of just ten seconds, can identify any song. After pressing on the record icon and singing or playing a fragment of a song during this time, you will be able to identify the desired song.

In addition to quickly knowing the title of the song, you will be able to know who the artist is and other information about the song, such as the year, the genre or the musical album in which it is included.

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