How to Repair Scratches On Wood?

Furniture such as cabinets, headboards ,as well as doors and floors made of wood, suffer great wear and tear as time goes by, in addition to the inconveniences it may suffer as a result of bumps and scratches that can affect its appearance.

The contact, added to the friction with objects or the fall of some of them on the wood, can cause the wood to suffer a lot in some cases. For this reason, if you want to keep them in the best possible condition, it is necessary to try to find solutions, being very interesting to know how to repair scratches on wood when necessary; And that is what we are going to explain to you in this article.

There are different tricks to repair wood, something highly recommended before painting it, or simply to recover its best natural appearance. Whatever your case, we are going to explain different tricks that you can use to keep the wood in better condition.

Instructions for repairing scratches on wood

If you want to know how to repair scratches on wood, we are going to talk about the different tricks that you can use. In this way you can improve any furniture or surface with this material.

nut paste

It is possible to repair possible scratches on the wood using a paste of nuts. The fats that are found in this food and its pulse can be melted with the material, being necessary to follow the following steps for its application:

  1. First of all, you will have to moles nuts, so that you can get fine powder or flour.
  2. Next you will have to moisten it using water or olive oil.
  3. With the mixture already made, you will have to rub it on the wooden furniture.
  4. Then you will have to let it dry so that they can be repaired and, once it is dry, you will have to remove the excess using a rag.
  5. Repeat the process regularly so that the furniture is protected from scratches.

cod liver oil

Another product that can be used for this purpose is cod liver oil, which is very effective. However, it has the big problem that it emits an odor that many people will find unpleasant, so it is preferable to use it for outdoor furniture or indoors with great ventilation. The way to apply it is as follows:

  1. First of all, you must take a capsule of cod liver oil and proceed to break it.
  2. Then you must proceed to apply the liquid of the same rubbing on the scratches of the wood and wait several hours for the liquid to penetrate into it.
  3. Then you have to rub with a cloth to make the furniture brighter.
  4. Repeat the process a couple of times a week

Coffee grounds

You may never have thought about it, but coffee grounds can help you when it comes to repairing scratches on your furniture. They serve to fill cracks and repair them in the wood, at the same time that they favor when it comes to matching the tone of the wood. To achieve the best results through this trick you must follow the following steps:

  1. First of all, you must moisten the coffee grounds, for which you will use olive oil, water, sunflower oil or flaxseed oil, as you prefer.
  2. Next, apply the mixture to the affected areas of the furniture and let it sit for several hours.
  3. Next you will have to remove the remains of the mixture with a brush, and repeat the process at least once a week until there are no more scratch marks on the wood.

scratch wax

Wax is a perfect material for repairing scratches on wood, as it offers great malleability and consistency. For this solution you will have to resort to the use of furniture wax that you can find in specialized stores. Once you have done with it, you will only have to do the following:

  1. Take a little of the wax and with the help of a soft cloth or sponge rub the scratches on the wood, or fill in any cracks or marks with the wax.
  2. Then use the sponge to polish the furniture with the wax, and in this way it would be ready. In this case, it is not necessary to carry out a step to remove the wax or pass any type of cloth.

Oil and vinegar

The mixture of olive oil and vinegar is a product that has great potential as a repair and polish, with which you can deal with scratches that appear on the wood. In addition, it also acts as a disinfectant, so it helps to protect the wood against mold, bacteria and insects that affect wood.

To use it you need to do the following:

  1. In a container you will have to add the olive oil and the white or apple vinegar in similar proportions.
  2. Then rub the wood with the liquid and wait for a few minutes so that the product can be absorbed.
  3. Finally remove excess liquid with a damp cloth, repeating this process from time to time to improve the appearance of the wooden element.

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